Included in registration


Starting number

Fluids and nutrition

A piece of ''Limburgse vlaai'' after the finish

Time registration


Medal engraving

Donation for charity

More information


I did not receive a confirmation e-mail, what now?
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Check your spam box to see if you have not received the e-mail within 30 minutes. If not received, please contact us. 

Minimum age

What is the minimum age to participate?
The minimum age to participate in the Maastrichts Mooiste 10 km is 14 years on the day of the event.

Terms and conditions

What are the terms and conditions?
Read the terms and conditions here.

Competition regulations

What are the competition regulations?

Check the competition regulations here.

Do you have a question? Click here for the FAQ's.